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Writer's picture: AdminAdmin

In this blog post, I'm sharing with you my experience of a parasite cleanse; what a parasite cleanse is physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I'm also sharing the intersection of spirituality and practicality when it comes to our health!

Why a parasite cleanse?

Some of you may know, from my other posts and sharing on social media that much of my chronic illness symptoms (asthma, bronchial infections, and sinus infections) that seemed very minor, came to a head a few years ago after my dad passed. Antibiotics that used to bring me comfort were no longer working for any of my health ailments. So I started on a search. Much of how I find answers now relies on meditation. So, I went to my meditation cushion to begin healing limiting beliefs about what I thought of myself and the world. I began to believe in answers and I began to stick my little antenna out (or my inner wisdom) and seek out guidance. I tried medical medium which was a huge help to healing any emotional eating patterns and begin detoxing stomach bloat that seemed to appear out of nowhere. I was on to something, and trying random supplements but not finding permanent relief unless I ate permanently strictly healthy.

Somehow, out of seemingly know where I found information about my symptoms after some research and started to get interested in using a different route. I decided to work with Laura Perry, a health practitioner to see if she had a protocol I could introduce. Sure enough, she did!

Health Philosophy

What I love about the protocol I'm on is that it affirms and feels like an approach to health I can get behind. More and more I'm feeling an approach to life that includes the "and" and let's go of the either or mentality that feels like a war of information. We can take knowledge and information from eastern and western practices, it doesn't necessarily need to be one or the other as the best method. I'm also a student of life. Being a student of life means I'm always learning and open to being wrong (as hard as that is for my ego! hehe). It means that science can always be evolving and questioning to make life more of a curious childlike journey. I feel that I'm on a curious childlike journey with my health and loving it!

Spirituality and Health

The spiritual path I practice makes note that these bodies are not our final destination (clearly! haha). Sometimes when we rely heavily on spirituality, we ignore practical solutions and ignore discoveries that can benefit us hugely. Sometimes we rely too much on the head and miss the miracle of the mystery that lies right in front of us. Lately, I've been loving a blend of both. I'm loving using meditation to heal the cause of my suffering and allowing creative solutions to enter my reality. What do I mean by this? When I got honest in meditation one day, I realized I was holding onto an attachment to sickness. I realized I was able to get love outside of me (maybe learned as a baby?) more easily. This belief was so subconscious, I was only able to access it in meditation! It always blows my mind how the ego seems to try and convince us of what love is. As soon as I decided I didn't need that belief or attachment to how my ego was classifying love, I was able to grieve and let go of that belief. Almost immediately I found Laura and started healing. My reality shifted because I did. I was ready. The healing protocol came in a method that supports my body's natural ability to heal itself and get rid of little unknown critters, which I'll get to next. In other words, the method I found for healing felt like it was grounded in compassion.

What's a parasite detox

What I'm realizing is that parasites can be tied to and often come with other ailments (mine are mold and lyme co-infections). So, a ton of very specific supplements and dosages are needed to alleviate symptoms and eradicate parasites. All of us have different family histories and environmental factors, so when doing a parasite cleanse, the experiences will also differ. Butt (haha jk) many people can expect to have BMs with parasites. Some people recommend eating a certain way. I'm eating mainly healthy (which differs from what that means person to person). The detox I'm on lasts for 9 months- build up your system to handle detox, detox, and then rebuild organs impacted by infections.

How's it going physically?

Well, it's going great! If you've gotten this far reading I'll answer the one major question associated with a parasite cleanse. I can see the parasites. Some of them small, some big. There are lots, 3-4 times a day. It's pretty crazy. At first before doing this detox I was so grossed out I didn't want to go there. But fortune favors the brave so here we are!! Haha. If you want pics let me know. I know some of you are sickos like me hehe. Also, I'm experiencing more luscious thicker shinnier hair. My candida on my tongue is going away. My psoriasis is also disappearing. My stomach bloat is pretty much gone on a consistant basis. I am almost ready to start exercising regularly too! It's all very exciting.

How's it going emotionally?

To be honest, part of me didn't want to do a parasite cleanse. I was afraid of becoming addicted to a cleanse and worried I'd want to do them all the time. But I'm realizing now that's not the case. Possibly I may do a short weeklong detox one time a year, but we'll see! I feel really good with where my results are going and actually some OCD tendencies I tried to relieve with meditation are dissolving.

The interesting thing I was skeptical about was the spikes in extreme emotions. For me I'll experience internal rage, anxiety, OCD, grief, and paranoia. The strange thing is literally right after I pass a BM, the emotions are gone. I can't even access the thought tied to the feeling- the feeling is gone and peace and joy are replaced.

It's interesting that in the west, largely we believe the rest of the animal kingdom has parasites but humans are the only ones that seemingly don't. Many other countries in the world make parasite cleanses a component of their healthcare practice. The more I read, the more clinicians who specialize or are familiar with parasites, say everyone has them!

What's next?

I'm very curious to share this information with people and also continue healing in a profound way. I'm really happy that ailments I've had and experienced for some of them more than 10 years, including emotions are slowly evaporating. Emotions I'd tried to heal with meditation are melting. The meditation practices I use are in definitely a huge support that have helped me in healing. As well as accepting myself. The gifts of symptoms dissolving are revolutionary, but the unconditional love I'm developing for myself and others are the greatest gifts. I'm about half way through my protocol and excited to see where this takes me. You don't realize how sick you are until you experience the contrast.

For now, this is my only post I'm planning on sharing about this experience (and hopefully captures a wide range of information). My hope is this helps someone who is suffering and doesn't know why and is ready to let go of trying harder or thinking they need any fixing. We don't ever need fixing, we are perfect and our bodies are so perfectly designed to support us- sometimes we just need to remove the things blocking the flow of life.

Much love,


Writer's picture: AdminAdmin

If you follow me on instagram, you’ll notice I have been sharing joy tips roughly daily in my stories! These pieces of information are meant to uplift and inspire you. Sharing ideas is powerful. When we share the idea that we ourselves are powerful, everything can shift.

Now is a time of remembrance. And when we get into a state of joy, it’s easier to access that flow state of being aligned to love, creativity, and joy. Joy allows us to be inspired about how to create from a space of the highest good. Joy gives us the opportunity of trust, love, and passion in our lives. Plus joy is... fun! It is the anxious and worried mind that is actually unfocused. Joy puts us back in alignment with our truth when we forget.

Lately I’ve been finding any activity that puts me into the present moment and focused through joy reminds me of what’s true: that I am love and come from love. I have everything I need to create a reality out of pure joy. For me, that’s cooking up yummy recipes in the kitchen with some music on in the background. The recipes may not always come out how I’d like… but that’s not the point! The point is to have fun with no attachment to the outcome. I can experience joy no matter how things turn out. I'm always learning and always enjoying the new adventures I'm having in the kitchen. Of course, I'm also pleased when I create something satisfying to my stomach too.

I’ve also been enjoying Zumba dances on YouTube. The dancing helps me celebrate and appreciate me! You might think that tending to our own needs is selfish. But I’ve found that the deeper I can more love myself, the deeper I can more love those around me. It’s all a mirror.

So, if you are looking to bring in more joy in your life, think about activities where you let go of the outcome. What are things you can do to be enjoying the present moment? Maybe for you it’s going outside on a walk, or putting your hands in the dirt to garden. Finding joy in the present moment could mean cooking, or playing a game with your family. Whatever it is you decide to do, detach from the outcome and put joy as the focus. Tell me how it goes! I'm excited for you to tap into more joy!

Lots of love,



Happy halfway through 2020! Woohoo! What a year it has been. There have been so many opportunities for growth this year both individually and collectively! I've been thinking about goals and what they mean and how we use them for empowerment.

When we think about goals and wanting to accomplish things, there can be a sense of worth tied to completing the goal. When I tell myself I have until the end of 2020 to get some goals done it feels... tight and restricting. When I tell myself to make an intention that it's time to create with joy for the rest of 2020 it feels... good, expansive, and inspiring! I'm sharing below some ways to get into alignment and create from a sense of power for the rest of 2020!

  1. Shift your focus from numbers and results to an intention. Write out what your ego-mind would tell you you would have if you finally got the numbers, the results, and the destination you desire! If you want to lose weight because you think it will make you feel good write an intention that reads: I am grateful that I have a body that feels good! Let go of the numbers and what the ego-mind thinks will make you happy! You are already perfect! If it has to do with a certain result in your job that will make you feel safe, then write an intention that reads: I am grateful that I am always safe. Write out what you think the thing you need will give you as a statement of what you already have! Maybe you want your relationships to look a certain way to feel more love and connection. Write an intention that states: I am grateful that I already have so much love and connection! Wow, these feel so different already writing them out in this blog! I'm excited for you to try them; have fun, make them yours and play with them until they feel like you!

  2. Focus on a few things each day that you already have that you are grateful for related to the subject of your intention: I am grateful for the way my body supports me. I am grateful for always learning in my job. I am grateful for the doors to be loving that are always opening for me. Again, make them yours! What we focus on expands... focus on gratitude to create more of what you want.

  3. If a limiting thought comes up that tries to pull you back to old ways... that's ok! Limiting thoughts that try and grab our attention mean growth- celebrate them and love them! You can pop these limiting thoughts in your mind like they are a bubble... it's fun to realize we have the power to be playful in our lives with all of our thoughts.

  4. Create a fun affirmation to tell yourself using the word "you" to talk to the part of yourself that is growing. When we use the word you in an affirmation instead of I, it encourages that part in us we are looking to grow to blossom more! You are powerful! You are love! You are always supported!

Cheers to the rest of 2020 and the next level of empowerment you are stepping into!!






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