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Writer's picture: AdminAdmin

In this blog post I'm sharing with you a deliciously sweet recipe for blueberry pancakes. The wild blueberries I use in this recipe are an excellent source of nutrition to help build up your immune system in the short and long term.

This recipe is one of my favorite weekend treats. It's easy, fun, and very sweet. The foods I share are packed full of either virus starving properties, or virus killing ingredients!

Two years ago when I realized after much trial and error and doctor visits that I had the Epstein Barr Virus. In Anthony William's book Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal I discovered that not only does fear fead viral infections but also certain foods can too. There is ample evidence around nutrition to suggest eating an alkaline diet can starve certain illnesses, but the depth of information that Anthony shared astounded me.

I went from getting sick roughly once a month to a few times in the last two years.

This information is life saving and continues to save thousands of peoples' lives.

Not only is the information Anthony shares around yummy treats like the wild blueberries helpful when we are sick, but it's also helpful long term in living a healthy joyful life. I even discovered wild blueberries grow under the most adverse circumstances and the resilient properties continue to inspire resiliency in my own life.

Below you'll find this Medical Medium inspired recipe that's fun for one or the whole family to make together. Wild blueberries are great to build up your immune system to help fight off different exposures.


1/2 cup gluten free flour

1/2 cup oat milk or other non dairy milk (besides soy)

1 banana

1 small spoon of baking powder

1/2 capful of vanilla extract

2 handfuls of wild blueberries

1 big drizzle of honey

maple syrup drizzle for topping


Mix in a medium sized bowl the gluten free flour and oat milk. Mash in the banana with a fork. I like to splash in a little bit more of the oat milk after these ingredients are mixed if needed. I like the consistency chunky.

Add in baking powder, vanilla extract, honey, and wild blue berries. Stir everything together.

Once the ingredients are mixed together use a big cooking spoon to scoop your batter into a pan or on a griddle. I love a nonstick pan. Give pancakes ample time to cook- potentially on medium heat for a slow cook. Once pancakes are cooked set aside. If the pancakes are not cooked all the way through you can heat up the oven to 350 before you cook and keep the finished pancakes in the oven to finish cooking through. The banana sometimes needs more heat!

After your pancakes are cooked drizzle maple syrup over the top and enjoy! Another great alternative is 3 spoonfuls of coconut sugar and enough water to make a paste. Drizzle the coconut sugar mixture over the top for sweet satisfaction.




Writer's picture: AdminAdmin

By far the biggest lesson I’ve needed to apply quantum forgiveness to is with my finances. Why is it that the women I work with have received huge wins in the area of their finances and this has taken me longer than I'd like to resolve?

It’s because we all have a very special individualized curriculum when it comes to undoing the ego.

All of us have different lessons to heal.

And sadly, for too long, I thought that I was going to be stuck forever with my money story. My ego kept me stuck longer than I wanted.

A year and a half ago I invested in a money course about healing limiting beliefs (similar to the work I do now). This course was brilliant and had more success stories than I can count. It was powerful and clearly worked.

Yet there was still a part of me that thought- this can’t work for me.

I’m too stuck.

It’s just the way things are.

Maybe you recognize these stories in yourself. These stories end up keeping us stuck and in suffering for way longer than we would like. Am I right?!

So, instead of believing that story, what if that was just another limiting belief to clear. When I realized that and got serious that I was ready for a new way, things started shifting. But I can understand that it’s not easy or comfortable to face those things in us that want attention and a new way.

I had so much guilt and shame around my money story. It was hard for me to look at and want a new way. I thought if I looked at it then things wouldn’t change and I’d just end up having more hurt. So it was easier not to look.

Sadly, I had beliefs that rich people were selfish.

Or that there wasn’t enough money.

I had beliefs that I wasn’t deserving to have money and so I would quickly spend it when I received it.

All of these beliefs were becoming conscious to me, but I was still unable to fully heal them.

But then I got serious and was finally ready for a new way.

Thankfully I found one- and one that is full of compassion and a way out.

I was afraid to look at those limiting beliefs because I didn’t know how to look with my inner wisdom to shine a light and really heal in a powerful way.

When I started working with my inner wisdom and my shadow, the hurt and old patterning started clearing up. Until the hurt and shadow/suffering is neutralized with our inner wisdom then we keep repeating stories. Once I started healing in a deep way with the tools I teach in Illuminate everything started shifting.

For example, just recently I was hoping for a juicy, yummy, bottle of red wine to enjoy for the holidays- and I ended up receiving it a day later at a white elephant holiday party!

When I was out looking at Christmas lights I drove past a restaurant all decorated for Christmas and thought how much I would delight in a holiday meal there. My mom called me 30 seconds later and said she wanted to come into town and take me out to dinner. We went to that restaurant.

And I was really hoping for a skin care line that made me feel good and had ingredients I loved. I ended up getting the line I wanted for Christmas from my mom.

For the first time I started feeling worthy just because I was worthy.

Not out of proving, but because the Universe delights in me and joy is my birthright.

Of course money doesn’t make me happy and I'm not saying we don't work or take action in our lives.

But healing the shadow side and unworthiness that kept popping up in my life needed to happen. This healing needed to happen for me to trust more in living a life that was in tune with me and my truth- to create more expansion and flow.

Thoughts are just thoughts, but they feel so so real until we heal them.

The truth is you don’t have to struggle, there is another way.

And when those pieces in you get healed through quantum forgiveness everything shifts.

So, although it has taken me a year and a half to really start healing my money story, the reality is, I was carrying it around my whole life. So 1.5 years, compared to around 30 of unworthiness is a miracle. I will still gladly pay all of the money and time invested to get to where I am now. And I can feel the last bits of my money story that need healing are slowly slipping away.

Maybe you have a story you are completely ready to say goodbye to in 2020, but you’re a little hesitant. I can promise you that hesitancy is just another limiting belief blocking you from your truth and miracles. It doesn’t belong to you.

You are powerful and so capable and deserving of a life that feels really really good.

A Course In Miracles tells us there is no order of difficulty in miracles, and I’m finding out more and more that it’s so deeply true.

Miracles are your birthright.

If you are ready to completely and fully bring healing and a new path forward in your life, I’d love to have you in my group course Illuminate starting this month!

This group is intimate and powerful.

Learn the tools you need to shift into 2020 and become the intentional co-creator of your reality!

For more information and to sign up, visit my website below:



Writer's picture: AdminAdmin

Do you ever feel like you hear the words "just be more grateful (or positive) and things will change!" But something still isn't shifting or working? I talk about my experience finding a gratitude practice that sticks in this post.

We hear it's important to be grateful. Even life changing. But have you ever found yourself trying to be grateful and something just isn't working? Maybe you've made the gratitude lists, even tried to start your day on the positive side of things. Still the mind races and it feels like you're getting nowhere. Well, this was me. I'm sharing in this article why being positive is a waste of time and how to really cultivate gratitude in your life in a way that sticks.


I started out really trying to cultivate a practice of being positive about things in my life about 6 years ago. I read the spiritual self help books and wanted a life that felt more whole. It wasn't until I hit a wall within myself and decided to ditch being positive that I eventually found a life-changing practice. The reality that being positive wasn't going to work happened when I had to grieve more than I ever have when my dad passed on. Yes, I had tried my best to grieve jobs that didn't work out and many other moments in life. But I had never needed to really face my emotions before and being positive wasn't going to work.


What truly helped me was to throw out the idea of being positive at all. This is a practice so many of us need. I think our emotions make us uncomfortable and so we try and say things will work out or try and give some other advice that really doesn't end up getting to the core of our needs. For the fist time I think I was fully feeling my feelings. Things were coming up for me and so many emotions. I had no other choice but to really experience them. Doing this was so freeing I applied it to all areas of my life. Everything. Any time an emotion came up I didn't attach any sort of story as to how I "should" feel. I just felt it, I just witnessed it. Then, the paradox was, I felt so whole. I felt the wholeness I was striving after with positivity. 


If you are trying to cultivate a gratitude practice, it can be helpful to notice and appreciate the things around us. But feeling our feelings first, or when we are feeling like we can't be grateful, is in fact a part of being grateful. We mourn what we had out of gratitude for having it. When we're ready we can let the newness of life come in. We can't hold on and let go at the same time. 


After I started doing this practice I no longer needed a list of things I was grateful for. I started living in gratitude. The gratitude lists didn't work for me because it was only my focal point for either the beginning or end of the day- I wanted something long lasting.


If you are wanting to cultivate a gratitude practice I invite you to move beyond making gratitude lists and really feelgratitude as you move through your activities each day. It's possible other emotions might come up while you do this, but just gently guide yourself back to a resting point in gratitude. Or, feel them as a practice of gratitude. Try having a baseline of gratitude as you wash the dishes for the meal you just had, put things away to enjoy your home, or prep for your day and the tasks at hand. Really feeling gratitude each day has helped me feel a depth of wholeness and be more in tune with my self and my life. I invite you to try these methods and I hope you find a gratitude practice that speaks to you.


PS This month I'm offering my Miracle Mindset Course! In this course you'll look at your mindset habits to release any blocks within to find flow and live a more authentic life. If you're ready to go deeper with this material through meditations, mindset work, and journaling visit the link below to sign up... Doors close May 19!




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