In this post I share a simple 10 minute meditation that leads to letting go of the ego's fear and anxiety grips to create from love.
We are all familiar with our egos even if we don't realize it. The voice that keeps us unhappy by reminding us what someone did to us yesterday. The voice within that tells us we'll never have this or be that. The voice that reminds us we are already behind on something even if we haven't started. Your stories may be different, but we all have them. The voice of the ego! For whatever reason, it wants to keep us separate and in turn, separate from the love within.
When we identify with the ego we identify with a whole host of other "problems". We feel like something is missing in life and the present moment. We have relationships that feel less than par and we get upset about everything happening in the world. But what if this voice, this part that seems like us... well, isn't? What would that mean? This can bring up feelings of fear. Like maybe we wouldn't have anything and we'd sink into a deep dark depression. Or if we didn't have our egos we would be directionless.
In reality when we start doing inner work by looking at our egos, we start actually being happy. What if we didn't have all of those thoughts? We would be free. It's not that we wouldn't be anything if we gave up our egos, it's that we would be able to flow more with life. We would be able to make choices for the highest good in different situations. We would be able to enjoy the present moment!
If we start doing this inner work of looking at our egos, it's not easy. We are giving up something that has felt like a part of us for a VERY LONG TIME. And suddenly we're deciding we don't want it anymore. But there comes a time when the itch to see what complete freedom is like becomes too intriguing and it calls to us.
There are as many people on this earth as there are paths. They all reach the truth within us. That truth is that we are the source of our own joy, happiness, and abundance!
If you are ready to start undoing the ego then here is a 10 minute meditation that leads to freedom. Yes, there are so many types of meditation. This type allows you to start identifying with the witnessing part of yourself and less with your ego. If you sit with yourself and watch your thoughts come up without doing anything, just observing and asking your inner wisdom to look non-objectively then your'e meditating. Whatever the thoughts are like, good or bad, just let them be. No fixing. You don't need to be fixed. We realize we are not those thoughts! We are beyond them. Just try this for 10 minutes in the morning and if you can, 10 minutes at night. It's also helpful to bring this noticing into your daily life. As the ego starts to take a back seat, we are able to start receiving intuitive guidance and our lives naturally change. No need to achieve, let go of that idea. Just being more in the space of letting life unfold. When you get out of this practice, don't beat yourself up, just come back. Again and again. If you notice things get worse before they get better than you are right on track. Our egos don't like being messed with and a lot can get stirred up. Just keep observing kindly and watch things keep shifting.