Right now the circumstances of the world seem to have left many people heartbroken, confused, anxious, and afraid. It can be difficult to sort out what information feels relevant and what information will allow us to move forward in the most loving way.
The purpose of this blog is to share with you practical tools on how to transform fear into trust as well as shining a new perspective on health.
To give you a background about my passion when it comes to health, I want to share my experience with illness and the healthcare system. These past two years I've been eating specific foods to heal the dormant Epstein-Barr Virus that was kicked up after my dad's passing from Leukemia. I'm familiar with critical illness and facing the unknown.
Before experiencing the intense symptoms I developed around sinus infections that just won't quit, fatigue, brain fog, and mood swings, I also grew up with asthma. Using the nebulizer and staying home sick were experiences I worked through as a child. Thankfully, I was able to use the inhaler I received from the kind pharmacists at my local drugstore.
It's difficult to explain mystery symptoms to the medical community because looking at me I would appear perfectly fine- both as a child and now as an adult. I'm otherwise happy and enjoy my life. However there are countless times where I have seen doctors (even recently) and been told it's just stress. Unfortunately for the many people who carry mystery symptoms or illness, this doesn't suffice. Symptoms progress and we start realizing it's not just "hormones".
Sadly, much information getting passed down in the medical community has not been proven to be as effective as people with chronic illnesses would hope. Caring doctors and pharmacists are trying to treat mystery symptoms with medicine that isn't actually healing the masses in a permanent way. We are left to throw our hands up and just "rest" more.
My hope is that the information I share can be a resource for those looking for deeper answers to prevention as well as solutions to mystery illnesses. This information not only impacts the public, but also medical professionals who are working around the clock to give people back their health.
Currently, it can be challenging to see the fear and panic around the world and not get sucked in. But the more I am on this path of trust and health I'm learning there is another option available to us. The option to choose and embrace in times like this is to let things fall apart.
The more trauma and tragedy I experience, the more I realize how hard I tried to keep things together for an image of something that wasn't even meant to stand in the first place. Right now, we have the opportunity to step back and see if the current micro and macro vision we hold of health is working. Are there pieces we can let fall apart?
After getting so sick I could hardly get off the couch, I reached out and found the information of Anthony William Medical Medium. I was skeptical about how a glass of celery juice could save my life. I was perplexed why wild blue berries were so much better than regular blueberries.
The reality is, so many people want to go to the doctor and receive life changing information. They want to get better.
But the truth is, until you are hit with mystery illness symptoms and experience the tangled information that is the current healthcare industry, you are sharing information that you don't know anything about.
After eating the wild blueberries, drinking the celery juice, and many other remedies Anthony suggested, I have been sick 2-3 times in the last two years. Before embarking on this journey I was sick almost every month.
Specifically, the information Anthony shares is helpful to fight viruses, bacteria, and other invaders. The overall picture here is not about making the healthcare industry the victimizers. The point of sharing this information is to suggest that it's time to look at how we treat and look at our health. There are incredible foods and supplements that are actually healing thousands of people who were not receiving this kind of care in the healthcare industry.
Many pharmacists are taxed with long hours trying to manage drug interactions and prescriptions. I know doctors have big hearts. But I also believe this is a time to allow a falling apart of what isn't working for many people. I know it's difficult to give up beliefs; when you've been told so many things that are supposed to be true. I went through the same examination and it's challenging and confusing.
I also know that a great deal of innovation has come from allowing a crumbling to take place- be it in nature or within a culture. The truth is uncomfortable to accept. But there is a deep invitation right now to step back and listen. Listen to what's possible on a practical level as well as a trusting in our hearts. This is a beautiful time of forgiveness, grace, and love. I'm familiar with critical illness and facing the unknown, but I'm also familiar with hope.
One beautiful practice to embrace when you are experiencing fear during this time is to sit with what you're feeling. There can be so much pressure to feel and be a certain way right now. Let that go. Don't run from any fear and anxiety you're feeling right now. It's okay that it's there- no judgement.
When you sit with this fear, maybe with your eyes closed, you can watch it and observe the emotion like it's a small child. Deeply feel it, let it be allowed to express. Allow any feelings to come and bubble up as they are. Once you observe these emotions, you might realize you are no longer fighting with fear. A deep acceptance comes in when we just allow our emotions to be. Accepting and surrounding to our experiences is a tremendous act of courage. While I'm looking to accept my circumstances I ask my inner wisdom to work with me- you may have your own term for this lightbulb wisdom within you. When you access that part of your mind you are able to begin shifting your perspective back to love.
The crazy thing is, once we accept our fear it dissolves. We're met with wisdom, peace, and a new way forward. Practical ideas spring forward and a deep knowing guides our steps. It's challenging to think clearly when we're trapped in fear and anxiety. We can't be our true selves.
There is nothing outside of us to save us.
And the good news is, nothing outside of us needs to. During these times, lean into any fear or anger to allow a deeper wisdom during these times, the world needs it. The world needs you.